I am still institutionalized in a Children’s Home until the end of my university studies. I do not regret growing up in this place. It is, basically, the home of a very big family. At present, I am a student at the Faculty for Environmental Engineering, at the University ”Vasile Alecsandri” in Bacău. For me, Blue Heron is a very special Foundation. I am so proud to be a part of this beautiful family. When I got accepted into the scholarship program, I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t even know how to react. The Blue Heron Foundation brought into my life a priceless mentor – Alex, a wonderful man who puts his heart into everything he does and gives a lot to our relationship and to the Foundation. I am delighted he is guiding me. He helped me get a laptop, a summer job and many other things. In the beginning I thought he had a lot of experience being a Blue Heron mentor, but, then, I found out I am his first student. So, we have started on this journey together. I am so proud. I want to thank Alex and the Blue Heron Foundation from the bottom of my heart. Through the foundation I also met my “sister”, Maricica, a kind, generous young woman who helped me a lot to fit in.
These days, I take an English class, I volunteer. I plan to better my English language skills and, maybe, continue my academic studies abroad. I will continue to be an active volunteer for NGOs in my field – the protection of the environment. I will try to excel in everything I do.
Being a Blue Heron student encourages us to pull through every obstacle and get back up whenever we need to, no matter what we have suffered in the past or what we have to struggle with, in the present.
Blue Heron smoothes our road toward a fulfilling life and career.

ANDREI Z. 2nd year student Environmental Engineering, „Vasile Alecsandri” University, Bacău

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